
使用[ ],loc & iloc


原文:https://www.geesforgeks.org/select-row-columns-by-name-in-pandas-data frame-use-loc-iloc/

熊猫索引意味着从数据框中选择数据的行和列。它可以是选择所有的行和特定数量的列、特定数量的行和所有的列或者每个特定数量的行和列。索引也称为子集选择。 让我们用元组列表创建一个简单的数据框,假设列名为:“姓名”、“年龄”、“城市”和“工资”。

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                columns =['Name', 'Age', 
                         'City', 'Salary'])
# Show the dataframe

输出: dataframe

方法 1:使用数据框。[ ]. 【】用于通过提及各自的列名来选择列。

例 1 : 选择单列。 T3】代号:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                columns =['Name', 'Age', 
                         'City', 'Salary'])

# Using the operator [] 
# to select a column
result = df["City"]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select single column from dataframe

例 2: 选择多列。 T3】代号:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                columns =['Name', 'Age',
                        'City', 'Salary'])

# Using the operator [] to 
# select multiple columns
result = df[["Name", "Age", "Salary"]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select multiple column from dataframe

方法 2:使用 Dataframe.loc[ ]。 。loc[] 函数通过行或列的标签选择数据。它可以选择行和列的子集。有很多方法可以使用这个功能。 例 1: 选择单行。 代码:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees,
                 columns =['Name', 'Age',
                  'City', 'Salary'])

# Set 'Name' column as index 
# on a Dataframe
df.set_index("Name", inplace = True)

# Using the operator .loc[]
# to select single row
result = df.loc["Stuti"]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select single row

示例 2: 选择多行。 T3】代号:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                  columns =['Name', 'Age',
                   'City', 'Salary'])

# Set index on a Dataframe
              inplace = True)

# Using the operator .loc[]
# to select multiple rows
result = df.loc[["Stuti", "Seema"]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select multiple rows from dataframe

示例 3: 选择多行和特定列。

Syntax:  Dataframe.loc[["row1", "row2"...], ["column1", "column2", "column3"...]]


# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                 columns =['Name', 'Age',
                  'City', 'Salary'])

# Set 'Name' column as index 
# on a Dataframe
df.set_index("Name", inplace = True)

# Using the operator .loc[] to 
# select multiple rows with some
# particular columns
result = df.loc[["Stuti", "Seema"],
               ["City", "Salary"]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select multiple rows and particular columns from dataframe

示例 4: 选择具有某些特定列的所有行。我们使用单冒号[ : ]来选择我们想要选择的所有行和列列表,如下所示:

Syntax: Dataframe.loc[[:, ["column1", "column2", "column3"]]


# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Creating a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees,
                  columns =['Name', 'Age', 
                  'City', 'Salary'])

# Set 'Name' column as index 
# on a Dataframe
df.set_index("Name", inplace = True)

# Using the operator .loc[] to
# select all the rows with 
# some particular columns
result = df.loc[:, ["City", "Salary"]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select all the rows with some particular columns from dataframe

方法 3:使用 Dataframe.iloc[ ]。 iloc【】用于基于位置的选择。它类似于 loc[]索引器,但只需要整数值来进行选择。 例 1 : 选择单行。 代码:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                  columns =['Name', 'Age',
                   'City', 'Salary'])

# Using the operator .iloc[]
# to select single row
result = df.iloc[2]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select a single row from dataframe

示例 2: 选择多行。 T3】代号:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                columns =['Name', 'Age',
                'City', 'Salary'])

# Using the operator .iloc[] 
# to select multiple rows
result = df.iloc[[2, 3, 5]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select multiple rows from dataframe

示例 3: 选择具有某些特定列的多行。 T3】代号:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Creating a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees,
                  columns =['Name', 'Age',
                  'City', 'Salary'])

# Using the operator .iloc[] 
# to select multiple rows with
# some particular columns
result = df.iloc[[2, 3, 5],
                  [0, 1]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select multiple rows with some particular columns from dataframe

示例 4: 选择具有某些特定列的所有行。 T3】代号:

# import pandas
import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Stuti', 28, 'Varanasi', 20000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 25000),
            ('Aaditya', 25, 'Mumbai', 40000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 35000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Delhi', 30000),
            ('Saumya', 32, 'Mumbai', 20000),
            ('Aaditya', 40, 'Dehradun', 24000),
            ('Seema', 32, 'Delhi', 70000)

# Create a DataFrame object from list 
df = pd.DataFrame(employees, 
                columns =['Name', 'Age', 
               'City', 'Salary'])

# Using the operator .iloc[]
# to select all the rows with
# some particular columns
result = df.iloc[:, [0, 1]]

# Show the dataframe

输出: select all the rows with some particular columns
